

Institute of Social History of the Moldova State University,

in cooperation with

Institute of History, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia


 Interstitio. East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology is a scholarly periodical published by the Institute of Social History of the Moldova State University in cooperation with the Institute of History of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia. The journal aims to promote the research in the field of historical and cultural anthropology. "Interstitio" appears two times a year with its Table of Contents and Abstracts of the published articles available on-line at http://promemoria.md/en/publicaii/intersitio/ and http://www.historia.us.edu.pl/drupal/?q=pl/node/505 .

Editors welcome papers contributing (in terms of empirical research and/or theoretical reflection) to historical and cultural anthropology studies in the Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe.

Instructions to prospective authors:

  • Articles submitted should be original contributions and must not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time;
  • Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as an email attachment in MS Word format to the editors at the address interstitio@promemoria.md;
  • All papers should be sent either in English, French, Polish or Romanian;
  • Papers include an abstract not exceeding 150 words in length covering the main factual points including purpose of manuscript and the key words (up to 5);
  • The full postal and e-mail addresses of the corresponding author followed by a short CV of no more than 50 words should be provided. Because manuscripts are reviewed anonymously these information should appear only on a separate, detachable title page;
  • Articles that have more than one author: in order to avoid cases of the so called "ghost-writing" and/or "guest authorship" (which violate principles of honest scholarship), information stating the scope of contribution made by each co-author is required. Cases of "ghost-writing" and/or "guest authorship" will be reported to institutions authors are affiliated with;
  • The entire manuscript, including abstracts, tables and references must be double spaced throughout, using 12-point Times New Roman, and be around 40 000 signs in length; References will contain sufficient information concerning the quoted sources. The recommended system of references: http://www.aaanet.org/publications/style_guide.pdf;
  • All articles are reviewed anonymously by two members of the Editorial Board and one External Referee. Reviews are made in a written form and the external referee is affiliated to an institution from the country different from the author's country of affiliation/origin;
  • During the process of editing an accepted manuscript, the editors under no circumstances will make changes that violate the integrity of the work or the purpose of the author in any way.


Postal address in Poland:

Redakcja półrocznika “Interstitio. East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology”
Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
ul. Bankowa 11, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
Phone: (+4832) 359-17-69, 359-13-14, 359-20-77
Fax: (+4832) 359-21-28

Postal address in R. Moldova:

Institute of Social History “ProMemoria”
bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt nr. 133, of. 33 
mun. Chişinău, MD-2004,
Republica Moldova
Fax: (+37322) 594061
e-mail: interstitio@promemoria.md


Contact persons:

Tomasz Pawelec, e-mail: tomasz.pawelec@us.edu.pl   

Virgiliu Birladeanu, e-mail: virgiliubirladeanu@promemoria.md